
- Upload files and folders to the cloud
- Upload any type of file, not just video
- Store files in folders
- Create departments, which each have their own storage area
- Non-admin users can only access files in departments they have been invited to
- Subscribers have an additional private storage area that only they can access
- Upload via the web or with various helper apps
- Keep track of files you haven't viewed and be alerted to new uploads
- Tag files with searchable metadata tags
- Color code files
- Star files to easily find them again
- Download the original file
- Download transcoded proxies
- Batch download multiple files at once
- Hoverscrub thumbnails show a quick preview of a video when hovering over its thumbnail
- Press Space on the Files page to preview a file or look inside a folder
- Filter files by type, whether they have comments, if you have viewed them, etc
- Create aliases to separate comments between different departments
- Custom permissions allow you to selectively approve or deny access to users or departments
- Establish relationships between files to connect different quality versions of the same file, alternate language versions, etc
- Digital Rebellion products can store files and sync settings to the cloud
- Replace files
- Move files between projects
- Download the contents of a folder, department or project as a zip file
- Change the thumbnail of a video file
- Edit the timecode start point of a video after upload
- See a file's entire history directly in the player
- Restore deleted files for up to 30 days
- Files can be set to expire after a certain date
Media Playback
- Play back video and audio files in the browser
- Kollaborate references the file's actual timecode, not elapsed time
- Edit the timecode start point of a video after upload
- Sync timecode to Cut Notes and remotely control playback
- Play back videos on an iOS device with CinePlay for iOS
- Play back videos on your Mac with CinePlay for Mac
- Keyboard shortcuts for playback control (JKL) and note entry
- Automatically play the next or previous file when the current video finishes
- Loop playback
- Synced Sessions - Take part in shared viewing sessions with colleagues, with their playheads synced remotely to yours
- Heatmaps - See sections of a video people skipped or watched multiple times
- Make comments on any type of file, not just video
- Annotate comments by drawing over the video
- Comments appear as markers underneath the video
- Comments by other users will appear live in your player as they are made
- Clicking a comment takes you to that position in the video
- Color code comments
- Reply to existing comments
- View comments from another version of a file to check that previous notes were addressed
- Filter comments by author, type, color or matching text
- Be notified when others comment on a file
- Star comments to easily find them again
- Search for a specific comment across the entire project
- Automatically pause playback upon entering a comment
- Create to-do lists from comments and check them off when complete
- Create tasks from comments
- Export comments to Adobe Premiere, Avid, DaVinci Resolve, FCPX and Final Cut Pro 7 via the Marker Import tool
- Export comments to Adobe Premiere via the Adobe Panel plugin
- Optionally export only comments of a certain color or by a certain author
- Combine comments from all versions of a file inside a single marker list
- Import comments from Avid, Adobe Premiere (via FCP XML), Davinci Resolve (via marker EDLs), FCPX and Final Cut Pro 7 into Kollaborate
- Comment Streams can be used to take collaborative notes without needing to upload a file. This is especially useful for group note-taking sessions with Cut Notes synced to a common timecode source such as Pro Tools
- View comments in a printable view, complete with thumbnails, for sharing with clients
- Invite team members by email address
- Only admins can invite people to a project
- Choose a Role to assign them permissions
- Permissions can be overridden on a per-user basis
- Choose to manually send new users an activation link instead of having our system email them automatically
- Create departments to limit access to content - non-admin users can only access files in departments they belong to
- Add users to multiple departments
- Departments can be empty, in which case only admins can see inside
- Control project privacy so that non-admins can't see others' contact information
- Control project privacy so that non-admins can't see who else is on the team
- Link your team members' accounts to your subscription so they can create projects on your behalf
- Import team members from vCards or another project
- Export your team to CSV or vCard formats
- See who has viewed and/or downloaded specific files
- Versions allow you to track revisions between files
- Files uploaded with identical filenames are automatically interpreted as new versions
- Files can be manually collapsed into version stacks or manually reverted back to independent files
- Easily switch between versions when viewing a file
- View comments from a different version to the file you are currently viewing so you can check that the previous version's notes were fixed
- Set who can approve files from the Team page
- Require more than one person to approve a file before it will be marked as approved
- Set custom workflow actions that will occur when a file is approved or rejected, such as color coding or moving it to a specific folder (see Workflows below)
- Setup approval chains - so that for example each department head signs off on a file first before it goes to the director for final approval
- Set custom labels for Approve/Reject buttons
- Trigger automatic actions upon events like uploading a file, completing a task or reviewing a video
- Automatically color code files
- Automatically move files to a different folder
- Automatically email out a review link
- Automatically add a status label below the file's name (e.g. "Approved")
- Automatically adjust file metadata like preventing additional comments once the file has been approved
- Set rules for how to process uploaded files on a per-folder basis via Upload Workflows
- Automatically assign a File Workflow to an uploaded file (such as color coding it, moving it or requiring approval from others)
- Automatically embed watermark images in video and image proxies on a per-folder basis
- Automatically embed LUTs in video and image proxies on a per-folder basis
- Automatically burn in metadata (e.g. timecode, project name) in video and image proxies on a per-folder basis
- Automatically set a file to expire either immediately or after a certain amount of time
- Automatically ensure an uploaded file is independent and not considered a version of an existing file, even if the filename matches
- Automatically delete the original file after it has been converted to a proxy to save disk space
- Workflows can be imported from other projects
- The default workflows can be restored if needed
Captions / Transcription
- Automatic transcription (beta) in English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Chinese and Hindi
- Manually create captions in any language
- Export to text, CSV, SRT, VTT or TTML
- Import captions from SRT or VTT
- Send out password-protected access links to people who are not part of the project
- Send out password-protected upload links to request files from others without them needing to be part of the project
- An unlimited number of shared links can be sent out to an unlimited number of recipients
- Links can be set to expire after a certain amount of time
- Control additional options such as whether or not the recipient can make comments on the file
- View statistics such as how many times a person clicked a link
- Allow link recipients to access all versions of a file
- Replace a file that the link points to without changing the link URL
- Set the maximum number of times a link can be accessed
- Optionally force files to download rather than playing in the browser, to encourage the client to download final deliverables
- Choose to send the password and link in separate emails
- By default, users in a Team receive a digest email showing recent changes to a project grouped together to limit the emails they receive
- Subscribe to a project or a specific file to get instant email updates instead
- Choose which email notifications to receive or switch them off completely
- Recent changes to a project can also be viewed on the Dashboard or by clicking the bell icon at the top right of the screen
- Recent changes can be viewed in the Today view of the macOS Notification Center with Kollaborate Plugin Pack
- Receipts allow you to sign up for alerts whenever a particular user views a file for the first time
- See who has not viewed a file and nudge them
- Use Incognito Mode to turn alerts off temporarily when you want to do something silently without notifying the rest of your team
NLE Integration
- Upload directly to the cloud from FCPX and Adobe Premiere for Mac with the Kollaborate Plugin Pack
- Export comments to Adobe Premiere, Avid, DaVinci Resolve, FCPX and Final Cut Pro 7 via the Marker Import tool
- Export comments to Adobe Premiere via the Adobe Panel plugin
- Import media files directly into Adobe Premiere via the Adobe Panel plugin
- Mark off to-do lists directly in the Adobe Panel plugin
- Import comments from Avid, Adobe Premiere (via FCP XML), DaVinci Resolve (as a marker EDL), FCPX and Final Cut Pro 7 into Kollaborate
- Use Comment Streams to make cloud notes via Cut Notes on media that doesn't exist in the cloud, such as your NLE's timeline
- Delegate tasks to others or leave tasks unassigned and let colleagues assign themselves
- Task owners can upload related files (e.g. mockups) to help the user complete the task
- Assignees can upload deliverables which the task owner can accept or reject
- View task history
- Comment on tasks
- Be alerted to changes in the task (e.g. a new deliverable available or a status change) with email alerts
- Export tasks to calendar files
- Batch task management
- Color-coding for overdue, due soon or high priority tasks
- Automatically trigger workflow actions (such as sending out a review link) when a task is completed
Uploading Options
- Drag files onto the Files page to directly upload them to the site
- Kollaborate Transfer - Desktop batch uploader with watermarking support
- Kollaborate Folder Watcher - Copy files into a specific folder on your computer to automatically upload them to the cloud
- Upload directly from FCPX and Adobe Premiere for Mac with the Kollaborate Plugin Pack
Customization / Integration
- Change the logo of the site to your company logo
- Change the URL of the logo to point to your company website
- WebHooks can trigger a script on your server when events like new uploads or comments occur, which you could use to integrate with an in-house work scheduling system for example
- All projects are private by default - users must be specifically granted permission to access the project
- All connections are encrypted
- Your files are encrypted on our servers
- Departments can be used to limit team members' access to files
- Set custom permissions on a file to prevent access by specific users or entire departments
- Project privacy options can prevent non-admins seeing who else is on the team on a department- or project-wide basis
- Multi-factor authentication available (also known as two-factor authentication)
- Use Upload Workflows to automatically add visual watermarks to video and image files
- Set sensitive files to expire after a certain amount of time
- Set links to expire after a certain time or a certain number of views
- Disable thumbnails for specific files
- Run Kollaborate in-house with Kollaborate Server
- Entirely independent - no data touches our servers
- No storage limitations
- No user limitations with the Unlimited package
- Customize the logo and color scheme
- Customize departments
- Provide cloud-based encoding via the optional Kollaborate Encoder add-on
- Works with all of our helper apps - just change the URL in each apps' preferences to point to your local server